
Latest Project Updates

Latest Project Updates

BrowserQuests latest project updates image depicting a recent system screenshot
Summer's End Updates

The summer now at an end, the latest updates include a cancer diagnosis, implementation of a player leader board, continued development of the episodic novelization component and the ramping-up of preparations for the Gamehole Convention here in Madison!

BrowserQuests latest project updates image depicting a recent system screenshot
A New Beginning!

Introducing an all new introduction to the story! This latest BrowserQuests™ update involves a whole new story beginning, where the player first learns a little about the game and creates an initial hero before diving into new content that was never part of the story before.

BrowserQuests latest project updates image depicting a recent system screenshot
A "Novel" Addition

Announcing a new way to interact with "The Sorrow of Sisla" story--the traditional linear novel! Developed in the same style as the RPG but strictly a linear read, the novel addition to the site provides the same RPG assets but doesn't use any of the game play elements.


BrowserQuests latest project updates image depicting a recent system screenshot
Eighth Module Live!

Module #8 - "Wizardbane" - is now available! Picking up after the cliffhanger of module #7, the party must first deal with the self-righteous (and all-powerful) Inner Circle before embarking on a new quest to find an ancient artifact they'll soon need for its very survival!

BrowserQuests latest project updates image depicting a recent system screenshot
All New Art Assets!

Introducing an entirely new set of art assets, generated by the AI engine Midjourney and not only replacing all the original heroes, villains, monsters and other depictions in the game but providing entirely new images representing each encounter area as well!

BrowserQuests latest project updates image depicting a recent system screenshot
Seventh Module Live!

Module #7 - "Assault on Chegoria!" - has arrived in time for Christmas, which picks up at the Ghenland shipyard where the party is about to be transported to the deadly island nation of Chegoria, home of the wicked Ultimates and their soul-corrupting Nemesis plants!